A BreakThrough for the Broke Entrepreneur
Not sure you can do it?
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the right place.
Thinking of quitting?
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Sign up for the PR Handbook for Entrepreneurs newsletter to learn how to make your product a #1 seller!

Truths on why products fail

Why your business won't explode

Failure inducing practices to avoid
3 MAKE or BREAK Concepts
You Must Know
"The mistake most entrepreneurs make is thinking that the ingeniousness of their product is what gives it value and makes others want to buy it; this is farthest from the truth."

"The most successful products are the ones that yell the loudest. It's sad, but the best product (or the prettiest girl) is never the most successful. Not fair, but true."

"A little known secret is that if you don't know exactly who will buy it and WHY, you have wasted your time and money."

The PR Handbook for Entrepreneurs

A user-friendly guidebook sharing the methodologies, tools, and strategies of big brands that can easily be applied to your startup.
The practical advice you read here will teach you how to drastically transform, even double, your revenue.
Here you will find how to make your dream into a solid business, one that will always pay the mortgage and ensure you'll remain your own boss.
Don't Miss Another Opportunity
Take advantage of THE professional advice that will improve your business.

“The minute I met Alyson I knew she was a force of nature! Confident, capable and can-do, Alyson is a true expert; I always feel in good hands working with her.”
Cyndi Darlington, Former CMO of Coco's and Carrows Restaurants

“Alyson's knowledge in Marketing/PR is presented in such a refreshing way, I thought she was reading my mind.”
Carl Restivo, Founder of ScareMeNots
Have the guts
to become
a real
Finally ready to
your life?
Ready to blaze
your way to
the top?

About the Author
Alyson Dutch is immersed in the world of products and the people behind them.  For thirty years, she has been a sought-after CPG launch specialist for 1000’s of products from basketball shoes that prevent ankle sprains, snoring devices endorsed by Shaquille O’Neal, to cyber security services from Scotland Yard intelligence pros. Dutch was the one who brought ThinkThin nutrition bars from health food store obscurity to become a grocery and convenience store star purchased for a triple-million dollar deal by Glanbia.
Specializing in bringing new products to the mainstream, Dutch is founder of the full-service product launch pad, Brown + Dutch Public Relations and the do-it-yourself matchmaker for products and press, Consumer Product Events.  She finally downloaded her decades of knowledge into a book titled the "PR Handbook for Entrepreneurs," and more recently  the "POM Principle: The 3 Pillars Needed to Start (& Sustain) Any Business." Dutch is also a columnist for Inventor’s Digest, certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise Network Council and a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Scholar.